What to look for in a protein bar?
We all know how important it is to include protein in our daily diet. So, if you’ve decided to add more protein to your diet, you’ve made the right choice! According to the National Academics of Medicine, protein “serves as the major structural component of all cells in the body”, including those found in bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

In an ideal world, we’d all get just enough protein from our regular diets without trying. We DON’T actually live in that world, of course, so many of us feel the need to turn to protein bars to get the amount we need each day and what better when we don’t require to compromise on taste? That’s our USP! aktualTM protein bars deliver optimum nutrition without compromising on taste.
With an increase in demand and supply of protein bars it’s tricky to make the right choice, while making the wrong choice will leave you with a protein bar that’s “as high in sugar and calories as candy bars”.
There are numerous choices in protein bars these days, here are the key points you might want to consider while choosing the right one for your needs.
1. Taste matters
None of us have the willpower to regularly eat foods we don’t enjoy. So, experiment with what types of flavor profile – sweet, salty, savor, etc. – which suits you and find the kind of bar that you would want to eat after a workout which satiates your taste buds. By choosing a bar whose taste you actually enjoy, you’re increasing the chance that you actually eat it. So, look at the function but don’t neglect flavor.
2. Read the Nutritional Profile
When we eat foods for protein, we also eat everything that comes alongside it – fats, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium, total Kcal. It’s the protein “package” that’s likely to make a difference for health. And most times while choosing the product with most protein can bring lots of unwanted extra stuff along for the ride! So, choose wisely and do not choose a bar simply based upon an impressive amount of protein – read the entire Nutrition Facts including the ingredients and make sure you like what you see. Our aktualTM protein bars are created using innovative manufacturing methods to provide you with best health benefits alongside great taste!
Enjoying a balanced diet that includes the proper ratio of protein, fats and carbohydrates will help you meet your nutritional and fitness goals more effectively. Its important to find the right combination of proteins from plant and animal sources that helps you thrive! Protein bars are a great tool to add to your nutritional toolkit – but don’t forget about the other tools available to you. Find your balance and when you add it all together, aktualTM protein bars stand out from the crowd and will add value to your life. Grab our range of protein bars today!
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